Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Growing into a 20 year old something has never been easy, neither for me and my friends feel the same too. Contrary to what my parents feel, as they always say, "you've got nothing to worry about." By this statement which they usually make when I whine about certain things, I assume that they mean since I'm not married and don't have a family there is nothing in this world that should bother my mind. Although I agree with them that being married and having a family is a big responsibility, at the same time I do not agree that being young and single gives me the space to throw my arms open wide and go laughing around aimlessly.

Yes, I certainly do have things that bother me, a career and the eagerness to prove myself that I can be what I wish to be and peer pressure of course, is the subject that came into existence as our generation was being born in hospitals across town.

Apart from the conventional dialogue that goes on between parents and a 20-year-old, I think the stage when you complete your graduation and start working is a tremendous change in life. Suddenly, your life seems to be in full swing. The new job makes you feel amazing but that's only the case if you're lucky enough to get a good job. Then the new routine that starts getting to you and making you wish that you were still in college and could afford to sleep or watch television a bit longer. Planning a day with friends begins to seem impossible and the time when you are asked to spend the weekend at home to entertain relatives that are coming over after a long time is just unbearable. It all just seems nerve wrecking but at the end of the day that's what you wished for; a job at a good organisation and new friends to bond and celebrate with.

Thankfully, my job is close to something I wanted but the challenges still exist and I cannot bounce over them or overlook it. They need to be dealt with a lot more seriousness than a late submission at college.

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