Thursday, January 12, 2012


This is something I have being dying to blog about..

Growing into a twenty year old something, is special, essentially because it is something that I personally want to share.. It would not be about something I have no relation with or was never really interested in the first place.. If you like it, well your most welcome to comment and if you don't, you can still comment and it'll be my pleasure to have a critic.

Beginning with my teenage years which were the most explicit and I truly agree with people who say teenage years are the best for every girl.. Yes, I am still a girl and will always call myself that even though many disagree, saying that I should now associate myself as a woman.. But, what are we?? Living in the 80's, when girls were called women once they were married at the age of 16 or 17.. Times have changed and I am glad that it has.. Anyway, coming back to my teenage years.. They couldn't have been better especially living with my friends in boarding school which was fun. I practically grew up living out there and claim that cause I spent nine years of my life. Since nine years old and grew up to be 17 years in those maroon & yellow buildings.. Nine years may seem short for a 50 year old person so please don't say, 'its just nine years damn it, I have spent more than that..'

Those nine years were special because I learnt to make friends, share, fight, be sarcastic, learnt leadership, equality, learnt to work hard, losing, winning, and alot more.. What made everything more explicit and fun was understanding friendship and how it can make you feel. Friends were all that mattered to me. The only reason I associate those days as the best in my life because it taught me alot (and I really don't mean to be philosophical). I learnt so much from my own experiences, through my own indulgence (yes I just said that!) and through my own mistakes.. Well, I call them mistakes because when I think of it now, I feel somewhere around, they were mistakes but what makes me feel good is that I have the courage to accept them and have also learnt from them.

After being bullied by my older siblings, I never indulged in being a bully myself.. Always made sure that none of the freshers were treated badly and I guess that reasons out my reaction towards my seniors in college. It was required at that moment as it was totally unacceptable. Along my days in school, I was ambitious and the need to prove myself when I'm young enough to work. I always wanted to see myself grow into a professional in the creative field. Inculcating an enthusiasm for anchoring programmes and participating in creative writing competitions made me realise that the media industry would be a great fit. And so I decided to study journalism. It seems very easy to put it down in words but honestly it wasn't.. I changed ambitions every month. Sometimes I would come back home on vacations saying, "I want to be a model", then once I came back saying that I would like to be an air hostess, then it changed to being a fashion designer, a beautician, a lawyer and then finally I decided that it has to be journalism.. So yes, it was confusing and I still keep myself prepared for more changes to creep into my mind as career ambitions.

High school was the most enjoyable phase of my life. The rest wasn't bad but life during school was the best experience till now. It was, it is and would always be special. 


  1. That was from the heart! Good going.... I am confident you will continue writing in good material and share your experiences.....that we all can learn from....Cheers! Marcia!!!

  2. Thanks for showing so much confidence in me.. :)
